Special Events
Heirarchical Visit at St Aidan's
His Eminence Archbishop Seraphim of Ottawa (OCA Bishop of Canada) will be visiting St Aidan to celebrate their feast day.
Saturday Aug 30th, at 6:00 p.m., Vespers in Creston at Christchurch Anglican with fellowship at the Viers home afterward.
Sun Aug 31st, 9:40 Hours, 10:00 a.m. Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, 1:00 p.m. Feast and entertainment all at St. Aidan's Church, Cranbrook
(Note: Cranbrook is on mountain time so rember to be an hour earlier if coming from the west) All are most welcome!!!
Bible Bowl Victory Celebration BBQ
Holy Myrrhbearing Women will host a Celebration BBQ outing on the Sunday before Labor Day, August 31st, in Naples, Idaho (check the parish website for maps). They are inviting all of the parishes of the area to celebrate this victory with them. The celebration will be held on Sunday, August 31st with a special Service of Thanksgiving following the Divine Liturgy (Orthros/Matins 8:45 am & Divine Liturgy 10:00 am) and then we will travel down to Naples for the afternoon. It will begin about 1:00pm, but latecomers are welcome.
Hamburgers, hot dogs and buns will be provided for the Bible Bowl Celebration BBQ. As for the beverages, side dishes, desserts, etc., everyone is encouraged to bring something pot luck. Lawn chairs, card tables, sports equipment, blankets, musical instruments...it is a good idea to bring as much of this type of thing as possible as well.
Khouria Makrina and Simeon John will be churched this Sunday just before Divine Liturgy at Christ the Savior. The "presentation" part (carrying the child into the church and altar) will not take place until after the Baptism, to which all are invited, on Sunday Sept. 21 after Divine Liturgy.
On the Horizon
OCF Sunday fundraiser
The Philoptochos of Holy Trinity will be offering an All-You-Can-Eat Taco Bar to benefit OCF, the Orthodox college campus ministry. There will be a presentation by Justin Dubruill about his OCF Real Break trip to Constantinople where he met Patriarch Bartholomew and restored a church along with other OCF college students. Cost is $10 adults/$5 children under 12/Free for college students with ID. Sunday Sept 7th after Liturgy.
Fr James Bernstein in Couer D'Alene and Post Falls
Fr. James will be speaking twice, presenting two separate talks -
Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, 7pm at the Coeur d’ Alene Inn, he will share “From Orthodoxy to Orthodoxy: A Jewish Christian Journey.”
On Thursday evening, Sept. 11, also at 7pm, Fr. James will speak at St. John Orthodox Church, addressing “The Jewish Roots of Christian Worship.” This talk will address Church architecture as he relates it to the heavenly tabernacle and the Lord’s direction on building the earthly tabernacle in Exodus.
St John's Men's group
On Thursday Sept. 18 St Johns will be hosting a mens fellowship gathering at the Fellegy home at 6:00pm. All men are welcome. There will be a barbecue then campfire. This will be a social gathering to get reacquainted with each other again. For directions and more info e-mail OrthodoxLifeINW@aol.com.
Christ the Savior at Valleyfest
Sept 20th 10am on: CTS will have a booth at Valleyfest at Mirabeau Park, the Valley's only community festival. They will sell miscellaneous goods, and hope to raise awareness of their presence in the general community.
Greek Dinner Festival
The Greek Dinner Festival is September 25, 26 & 27 at Holy Trinity.
Festival pastry preparation begins Sept 2nd, 9am with Diples. Help is very welcome, even if only for an hour or two.
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