Apolytikion of the Forefeast of the Dormition
In birth, you preserved your virginity; in death, you did not abandon the world, O Theotokos. As mother of life, you departed to the source of life, delivering our souls from death by your intercessions.
Apolytikion of the Dormition
Worship Services
Christ the Savior:
Thursday, Aug. 14:
6pm: Vigil for Dormition, with Lamentations
Friday, Aug. 15:
8am: Divine Liturgy
Saturday, Aug. 16:
5pm: 9th Hour and Great Vespers
Sunday Aug. 17:
8:45am: Matins
10 am: Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, Aug. 19:
8am: Matins
Wednesday, Aug. 20:
8am: Divine Liturgy for Holy Prophet Samuel
6pm: Vespers
Holy Myrhhbearing Women:
Thursday, Aug. 14:
6:30pm: Great Vespers with Litya and Blessing of Flowers and Herbs Aug 16,
Friday, Aug. 15:
8am: Matins
9am: Divine Liturgy with Blessing of Flowers and Herbs
Saturday, Aug. 16:
5:45pm 9th Hour Prayers
6pm Great Vespers
Sunday Aug. 17:
8:45: Matins
10am: Divine Liturgy
Holy Trinity:
Thursday, Aug. 14:
7pm: Great Vespers
Friday, Aug. 15:
9am: Orthros
10am: Divine Liturgy
Saturday, Aug. 16:
6pm: Vespers
Sunday Aug. 17:
9am: Orthros
10am: Divine Liturgy
St Aidan:
Thursday, Aug. 14:
7pm: Vespers
Friday, Aug. 15:
9am: Divine Liturgy
Saturday, Aug. 16:
7pm: Great Vespers
Sunday Aug. 17:
10:30am: DivineLiturgy
St John the Baptist:
Thursday, Aug. 14:
6:00pm: Vesperal Divine Liturgy
Saturday, Aug. 16:
6:00pm: Great Vespers
Sunday Aug. 17:
8:15am: Orthros
10:00am: Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, Aug. 19:
6:00pm: Vespers
** Fr. Basil will be in Chicago August 18-23.
St Nicholas:
Thursday, Aug. 14:
4:30pm: Vespers
Friday, Aug. 15:
12:00pm: Said Mass
4:30pm: Vespers
Saturday, Aug. 16:
9:00am: Matins
9:30am: Rosary of Mary
Sunday Aug. 17:
8:00am: Said Mass
10:00am: Matins
10:30am: Sung High Mass w/Hymns
Tuesday, Aug. 19:
4:30pm: Vespers
Wednesday, Aug. 20:
4:30pm: Vespers
Thursday 08/14
SNAP Sack Dinner 4:30pm 1222 W 2nd Ave.
(No Teen Group this week)
Friday 08/15
StJ: Spiritual Circle 9:30 - 11:00 am
Saturday 08/16
CTS: Choir practice 6:00 pm
Sunday 08/17
HT: Reading Group will not be meeting this week.
StN: Seekers and Catechumen Class at 12:30 p.m.
StJ: Sisterhood Meeting 12:30-1:30pm
Tuesday 08/19
HT: Greek School 7:00 pm
StJ: Inquirers' Class 7:00 pm
Special Events
Dormition Luncheon
There will be a luncheon at Holy Trinity following the Divine Liturgy on Friday, August 15th.
AHEPA Picnic
The AHEPA Picnic is Sunday August 17th at 2pm in Rathdrum ID. $15 covers the cost of lamb dinner and beverages.
To St Aidan OCA Mission in Cranbrook, BC. who have just joined the blog.
RSVP Requested for Celebration BBQ
Hamburgers, hot dogs and buns will be provided for the Bible Bowl Celebration BBQ (see below), so it is extremely important that you RSVP if you are able to come so that there is enough food!!! You can simply email Fr Gregory Horton if you are able to come. As for the beverages, side dishes, desserts, etc., everyone is encouraged to bring something pot luck. Lawn chairs, card tables, sports equipment, blankets, musical instruments...it is a good idea to bring as much of this type of thing as possible as well. Don't forget to RSVP!!!
Mark and Shelena Kieffer's daughter, Octavia June, will be baptized at Christ the Savior on Saturday, August 16 at 3:45 pm.
SNAP Sack Dinner
Assistance is needed preparing food at Holy Trinity for the SNAP Sack Dinner, transporting it to the site, serving it and/or cleaning up. Dinner is served downtown at Mid-City Concerns, 1222 W 2nd Ave from 5-6 pm. Send an e-mail to coordinate times for food prep, etc.
Funds are also needed for purchasing food for the dinner.
It has been a tremendous blessing to our parishes to have the opportunity to serve the less fortunate through the SNAP Sack Dinner.
Prayer Requests
Donna, Nick, Helen & Nilus .
On the Horizon
Bible Bowl Celebration BBQ
Holy Myrrhbearing Women will host a Celebration BBQ outing on the Sunday before Labor Day, August 31st, in Naples, Idaho (check the parish website for maps). They are inviting all of the parishes of the area to celebrate this victory with them. The celebration will be held on Sunday, August 31st with a special Service of Thanksgiving following the Divine Liturgy (Orthros/Matins 8:45 am & Divine Liturgy 10:00 am) and then we will travel down to Naples for the afternoon. It will begin about 1:00pm, but latecomers are welcome. Please RSVP. (see note under Announcements above)
OCF Sunday fundraiser
The Philoptochos of Holy Trinity will be offering an All-You-Can-Eat Taco Bar to benefit OCF, the Orthodox college campus ministry. There will be a presentation by Justin Dubruill about his OCF Real Break trip to Constantinople where he met Patriarch Bartholomew and restored a church along with other OCF college students. Cost is $10 adults/$5 children under 12/Free for college students with ID. Sunday Sept 7th after Liturgy.
Greek Dinner Festival
The Greek Dinner Festival is September 25, 26 & 27 at Holy Trinity.
A Word from the Saints
"What words can describe your divinely-radiant beauty, O Virgin Mother of God? We cannot circumscribe you in our words and thoughts, for everything about you surpasses our speech and understanding. But, with your loving permission, we may sing your praises. In you all graces find a place. You are the fullness of everything noble and good, a living picture and icon of all goodness and kindness, for you alone were found worthy of the gifts of the Spirit in their entirety, or rather, you alone had mysteriously dwelling in your womb Him in Whom all these gifts were stored. In a way past understanding, you became His Tabernacle, and now through death you proceed hence to immortality, and are fittingly translated from earth to heaven, to live with Him for ever in the heavenly tabernacles. From there you care for your inheritance, and by your unsleeping intercessions you reconcile us to your Son."
-St Gregory Palamas On the Dormition
If you would like additional information, please e-mail OrthodoxLifeINW@aol.com and it will be forwarded to the appropriate contact person. You can also contact each parish through the information posted on their websites.
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