Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 21st - 27th


Worship Services

Christ the Savior:

Friday, Aug. 22:
8am: Orthros/Matins
6:30 pm Paraklesis
Saturday, Aug. 23:
5pm: 9th Hour and Great Vespers
Sunday Aug. 24:
8:45am: Matins
10 am: Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, Aug. 27:
6pm: Vespers

Holy Myrhhbearing Women:

Friday, Aug. 22:
5:00pm Paraklesis

Saturday, Aug. 23:
5:45pm 9th Hour Prayers
6pm Great Vespers

Sunday Aug. 24:
8:45: Matins
10am: Divine Liturgy

Holy Trinity:

Saturday, Aug. 23:
6pm: Vespers
Sunday Aug. 24:
9am: Orthros
10am: Divine Liturgy
St Aidan:

Saturday, Aug. 23:
7pm: Great Vespers

Sunday Aug. 24:
10:30am: Divine Liturgy

St John the Baptist:

Saturday, Aug. 23:
6:00pm: Great Vespers

Sunday Aug. 24:
8:15am: Orthros
10:00am: Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, Aug. 26:
6:00pm: Vespers

** Fr. Basil will be in Chicago August 18-23.

St Nicholas:
Thursday, Aug. 21:
4:30pm: Vespers

Friday, Aug. 22:
12:00pm: Mass
4:30pm: Vespers

Saturday, Aug. 23:
9:00am: Matins
9:30am: Rosary of Mary

Sunday Aug. 24:
12:00pm: Mass
4:30pm: Vespers

Tuesday, Aug. 26:
St Alban's mission in Richland WA
6:00pm: Vespers
6:30pm: Mass

Wednesday, Aug. 27:
4:30pm: Vespers


Thursday 08/21

SNAP Sack Dinner 4:30pm 1222 W 2nd Ave.

Teen Group 6:00-8:00 pm at Riverside State Park Bowl and Pitcher. (see teen post in July)

Friday 08/22

StJ: Spiritual Circle 9:30 - 11:00 am

Saturday 08/16

CTS: Choir practice 6:00 pm

Sunday 08/17

CTS: 1:00 pm Fundraising Ministry meeting

HT: Reading Group 7:00 pm.
Currently reading and discussing St Theophylact's Explanation of the Gospel of John.

Tuesday 08/19

HT: Greek School 7:00 pm

StJ: Inquirers' Class 7:00 pm


Special Events

The Daughters of Penelope are meeting at the Rockin' B Ranch on August 22nd.


Fr James Bernstein in our area!

Fr. James Bernstein, author of the newly published, Surprised by Christ, will be speaking in the Coeur d’ Alene and Post Falls area in just a couple weeks. Raised as the son of an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, Bernstein became a national chess champion who at age sixteen converted to Christianity. Involved in Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and the Christian World Liberation Front, he went on to found the “Jews for Jesus” organization with Moishe Rosen in Berkley, California in the early 1970’s. Later converting to Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Fr. James presently lives with his wife Bonnie outside of Seattle, Washington, where he serves as pastor of St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church.
Fr. James will be speaking twice, presenting two separate talks - Wednesday evening, Sept. 10, 7pm at the Coeur d’ Alene Inn, he will share “From Orthodoxy to Orthodoxy: A Jewish Christian Journey.” On Thursday evening, Sept. 11, also at 7pm, Fr. James will speak at St. John Orthodox Church, addressing “The Jewish Roots of Christian Worship.” This talk will address Church architecture as he relates it to the heavenly tabernacle and the Lord’s direction on building the earthly tabernacle in Exodus.

Paul Loren Truebenbach and Lavinia Cristiana Suciu were married on Sunday August 17th at Holy Trinity.


To Kathleen, Andrew and Theresa for planting the red geraniums around Holy Trinity in June. They are looking beautiful. Thank you also to everyone who donated them to decorate the parish for its feast day on Pentecost.


Prayer Requests

Donna, Nick, Helen, Nilus, Debbie & Ralph.
On the Horizon

Bible Bowl Celebration BBQ

Holy Myrrhbearing Women will host a Celebration BBQ outing on the Sunday before Labor Day, August 31st, in Naples, Idaho (check the parish website for maps). They are inviting all of the parishes of the area to celebrate this victory with them. The celebration will be held on Sunday, August 31st with a special Service of Thanksgiving following the Divine Liturgy (Orthros/Matins 8:45 am & Divine Liturgy 10:00 am) and then we will travel down to Naples for the afternoon. It will begin about 1:00pm, but latecomers are welcome.

Please RSVP. Hamburgers, hot dogs and buns will be provided for the Bible Bowl Celebration BBQ (see below), so it is extremely important that you RSVP if you are able to come so that there is enough food!!! You can simply email Fr Gregory Horton if you are able to come. As for the beverages, side dishes, desserts, etc., everyone is encouraged to bring something pot luck. Lawn chairs, card tables, sports equipment, blankets, musical is a good idea to bring as much of this type of thing as possible as well. Don't forget to RSVP!!!OCF Sunday fundraiserThe Philoptochos of Holy Trinity will be offering an All-You-Can-Eat Taco Bar to benefit OCF, the Orthodox college campus ministry. There will be a presentation by Justin Dubruill about his OCF Real Break trip to Constantinople where he met Patriarch Bartholomew and restored a church along with other OCF college students. Cost is $10 adults/$5 children under 12/Free for college students with ID. Sunday Sept 7th after Liturgy.

Fr James Bernstein in Couer D'Alene on Sept 10th & 11th (see Announcements)

Greek Dinner Festival
The Greek Dinner Festival is September 25, 26 & 27 at Holy Trinity. Dinner Tickets are $15.00 adults/$6.00 for children under 12 at the door. Advance tickets will be available for $12.00 adults/$6.00 children.

A Word from the Saints
"If you want to find perfect love, go sell all your belongings, give them to the poor, go where you find a master and become a slave. Can you do this and be perfect?

You say this is too heavy? Then do something else. Don't sell yourself as a slave. Just sell your belongings and give them all to the poor. Can you do it? Or do you still find this too heavy a task?
All right, you cannot give away all your belongings. Then give half, or a third, or a fifth. Is this even too heavy? Then give one tenth. Can you do that? Is it still too heavy?

How about this: Don't sell yourself as a slave. Don't give a penny to the poor. Only do this: Don't take your poor brother's coat, don't take his bread, don't persecute him, don't eat him alive. If you don't want to do him any good, at least do him no harm. Just leave him alone. Is this also too heavy?
You say you want to be saved. But how? How can we be saved if everything we are called to do is too heavy? We descend and descend until there is no place further down. God is merciful, yes, but he also has an iron rod."
-St. Kosmas of Aetolia

(Commemorated on Sunday, August 24th - See )

If you would like additional information, please e-mail and it will be forwarded to the appropriate contact person. You can also contact each parish through the information posted on their website.

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