Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 31st - Aug 6th

Worship Services

Thursday 07/31

CTS: Divine Liturgy 8:00 am
St Joseph of Arimathea: Name Day for Bishop Joseph

Friday 08/01 - Dormition Fast begins

CTS: Orthros/Matins 8:00 am
CTS: Paraklesis 6:30 pm
HMW: Paraklesis 5:00 pm
HT: Paraklesis 7:00 pm
StJ: Paraklesis 6:00 pm
StN: Mass 12:00 pm
StN: Vespers 4:30 pm

Saturday 08/02

CTS: Ninth Hour & Great Vespers 5:00 pm
HMW: Ninth Hour & Great Vespers 5:45 pm
HT: Vespers 6:00 pm
StJ: Vespers 6:00 pm
StN: Matins 9:00 am
StN: Rosary 9:30 am

Sunday 08/03

CTS: Orthros/Matins 8:45 am
CTS: Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
HMW: Orthros/Matins 8:45 am
HMW: Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
HT: Orthros 9:00 am
HT: Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
StJ: Matins 8:15 am
StJ: Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
StN: Mass 12:00 pm
StN: Vespers 4:30 pm

Monday 08/04

CTS: Paraklesis 6:30 pm
HT: Paraklesis 7:00 pm
StJ: Paraklesis 6:00 pm

Tuesday 08/05

CTS: Great Vespers with Litia & Artoclasia 6:30 pm
HT: Great Vespers 7:00 pm
StJ: Vesperal Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm

Wednesday 08/06 - Holy Transfiguration

CTS: Orthros/Matins 8:00 am
CTS: Divine Liturgy 9:00 am
HT: Orthros 9:00 am
HT: Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
StJ: Paraklesis 6:00 pm



Thursday 7/31

SNAP Sack Dinner 4:30pm 1222 W 2nd Ave.
Teen Group 6-8 pm at Pavillion Park in Liberty Lake. (see previous post)

Friday 08/01

HT: Festival Bread Baking 9:00 am
StJ: Spiritual Circle 9:30 - 11:00 am

Saturday 08/02

CTS: Choir practice 6:00 pm
HT: Making Festival cabbage rolls 9:00 am

Sunday 08/03

HT: Reading Group 7:30 pm
Currently reading and discussing St Theophylact's Explanation of the Gospel of John.

Monday 08/04

HT: Festival Bread Baking 9:00 am

Tuesday 08/05

HT: 1st Tuesday Q&A following Great Vespers for Transfiguration.

Wednesday 08/06

Holy Transfiguration



St Mary Camp Video

A short, charming video of the kids and staff of the recent St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Summer Camp is now available on the camp website: http://www.campstmary.org/.


Welcome Simeon John!

We proudly announce the birth of Fr. Michael and Kh. Makrina Shanbour's first child, Simeon John Shanbour. Simeon arrived on July 22, weighing in at 5 lb. 14 oz., and measuring 17 1/2 ". Congratulations, Fr. Michael and Kh. Makrina! and may God grant you all many blessed years!

In happy papa Fr Michael's words, "May our good God preserve and protect him and keep him in His perfect love all the days of his life!"



Greek Dinner Festival Baking

It's Festival prep time and there are several opportunities to help out in the Holy Trinity kitchen this week. Even if you can only come in for an hour or two, every little bit helps. Go to the back door of the main hall. Phone number: 509-328-9310.

Friday August 1st, 9:00am - Bread Baking
Saturday August 2nd, 9:00am - Cabbage Rolls
Monday August 4th, 9:00am - Bread Baking

We will also be meeting at 9:00 am on the following dates:
08/08 Bread Baking
08/09 Pastitsio

SNAP Sack Dinner

Assistance is always welcome preparing food for the SNAP Sack Dinner, transporting it to the site and/or serving it. Food prep is every Thursday afternoon in the Holy Trinity kitchen. Transport is around 4:00pm.

It has been a tremendous blessing to our parishes to have the opportunity to serve the less fortunate. Christ the Savior's week is the second Thursday of each month and Holy Trinity's week is the third Thursday of each month, but everyone is welcome to help out any week. Dinner is served downtown at Mid-City Concerns, 1222 W 2nd Ave.


On the Horizon

OCF Sunday fundraiser

The Philoptochos of Holy Trinity will be offering an All-You-Can-Eat Taco Bar to benefit OCF, the Orthodox college campus ministry. There will be a presentation by Justin Dubruill about his OCF Real Break trip to Constantinople where he met Patriarch Bartholomew and restored a church along with other OCF college students. Cost is $10 adults/$5 children under 12/Free for college students with ID. Sunday Sept 7th after Liturgy.

Greek Dinner Festival

The Greek Dinner Festival is September 25, 26 & 27 at Holy Trinity.


A Word from the Saints

"You have nothing better than this soul; you have nothing of greater worth than this immortal soul."

St Nectarios the Wonderworker, Bishop of Pentapolis


If you would like additional information, please e-mail OrthodoxLifeINW@aol.com and it will be forwarded to the appropriate contact person. You can also reach the priests at the contact information on the parish websites listed in the left column.

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